is a beggar who is harmless and spends his life on the streets. His habit is to tell lies and beg from the people. Suddenly, his eyes fell on the beggar’s shoes. The global spread of education is required. He threatened to call the police as well. He looked sad, silent and gloomy. Delighted, Sergei inquired him about his well-being. Sergei says, “I am happy that my words have taken effect.” Why does he say so? He said he was ashamed to beg but circumstances compelled him to. We also note that Sergei asks a person who cannot even stand properly, to cut firewood. As a parting advice, he told Lushkoff to work hard and not to drink. He told Sergei that he never chopped a single stick. That day onwards, he would often come and do odd jobs like shovelling snow, putting the wood-shed in order or beating the dust out of rugs and mattresses. Ans. Sergei reminded that he had seen him the previous day in Sadovya street. Q33. He was crying and requested Sergei to have pity on him. Her kindness transformed him. Because of Olga’s affection for him, he manages to get rid of his drinking habit and starts working for a living. Lushkoff was highly obliged to Sergei because now he was a notary because of him. Answer: The waif was Lushkoff, the beggar, and he made his appearance at the house of advocate Sergei. He had shown interest in Lushkoff’s life and had felt happy to see him reformed. Has Lushkoff become Why does Lushkoff acknowledge Olga’s contribution in reforming him? He asked Lushkoff to pack and haul the furniture. She was stem looking. Some people get into bad habits and find it difficult to quit on their own. All the while she would scold him and tell him that he would go to hell as there was no hope for him. 8. Positivity of Olga, her patience and cooperation transformed a beggar into a dignified, successful professional. 5. Sergei feels that he is responsible for this change in Lushkoff, and that the beggar changed his ways because of the scolding he had given him for begging and deceiving people. The Class 9 English Solutions are developed by the SelfStudys expert and skilled team of teachers who have huge experience, covering the entire syllabus of the exam. Lushkoff was insensitive to insults and threats and despite the cook’s irritation at his inability to handle the menial task of chopping wood, Lushkoff remained unfazed. Ile again pulled it and struck it. Then his eyes fell on his overshoes, one of which was high and the other was low. Sergei caught him telling lies one day. How did Olga treat Lushkoff in the beginning? How? This time Lushkoff appeared sober but gloomy and silent. Ans. Ans. He was wearing a coat collar of curly fur and sealskin cap. She knew that Lushkoff was not able to do hard work. She scolded and abused him but she also suffered and shed tears for his sake. Lushkoff followed Olga in a gait that showed his reluctance to work. He told Sergei that his name was Lushkoff and that he was out of work. Q 14. Why did Lushkoff return to the yard on the first of the month? In the story, Sergei was a kind and noble man. All the exercises and Question and Answers given at the back of the lesson have also been covered. He further tells Sergei that he had been a village school teacher for eight years and had lost his job due to scheming and lies. Why did she do this? Ans. Instead, he felt a little sorry and ashamed at having given the tough task of wood-chopping to Lushkoff who seemed to him a spoiled, drunkard and probably a sick man. Hence, the contribution of Sergei in the reformation of Lushkoff was as important as that of Olga. He gave up drinking and started taking interest in work. Ans:-Sergei sent Lushkoff to his friend with a letter of recommendation for some copying work. He told the reality about his life. So, to help you in your preparation of the exam, our Xam Idea Class 9 English Solutions are prepared in such a way covering all the questions-answers in the great-structured format. Some of the beggars have made it a business. Question from very important topics is covered by Exemplar Questions for Class 9. Candidates require extensive knowledge of the English language to understand the offered insight into the story. (A) preparing notes for him (B) chopping wood for him, (C) making money by begging for him (D) watching his home, (A) a beggar (B) Sergei’s cook, (C) an advocate (D) a wood chopper, (A) yes (B) no, (C) maybe (D) not known. It was all done by Olga. Class 9 English The Beggar – Get here the Notes, Question & Practice Paper for Class 9 The Beggar. There are two messages in this story. But he was not right in saying so because. When he used to come to his house to chop wood, he could not do so because he was weak and inexperienced. She was a kind lady. Still, he agrees to do the menial job of chopping wood because of his pride and shame. But he said that he would give him work of chopping wood. lie called his maidservant Olga and told her to take him into the woodshed and get some wood chopped. 1.Who is “I” in this extract? Suddenly he remembered that he had seen him the previous day in Sadovya Street. Then she would sit before him and grow sad. He had worn a fawn-coloured overcoat and his eyes were dull and drunken. and helps him to quit drinking and lead a better life. Olga, on the other hand, helps Lushkoff without making demands on him. Lushkoff too remembered her with gratitude for her words and her noble deeds and is eternally grateful to her. Question 5.How does the beggar react to Sergei’s offer to chop wood for him in return for money?Answer:The beggar accepts the offer readily and follows Sergei home. Q34. Question 11.How do we know that the beggar had no previous experience of cutting wood?Answer:We know this from the manner in which he pulled a billet of wood towards him and tapped it feebly with his axe. Lushkoff’s mind was receptive to good example and when he saw the cook’s behaviour he began to take the first steps towards reforming his ways, till he had completely turned over a new leaf. You can give test from your Home. Q 17. Again, it was Sergei who brought Lushkoff to Olga. Ans:- Lushkoff wants to go to Kaluga because he claims that he has an offer of a position in this province, after having lived without work for nearly a year. NCERT Solutions For Class 9 English Moments Chapter 10 The Beggar. The government should set up beggar’s home only for the handicapped. He must have followed some humane approach to reform, some kind of physically hard work that was to chop the wood for him. 4.What work did Sergei give to Lushkoff ? He was not a born beggar. Ans:-Olga behaved with Lushkoff in a very shabby manner. This time, he was silent and sober. Q41. According to him, he has to lie to survive, as no one was willing to help him if he told them the truth. paper. Answer: He was sacked from that job because of his drinking habit. He was working as a notary and earning a handsome salary. I salute the spirit of my cook Olga whose selfless service saved a precious life. 2.What was his occupation and why did he lose it? He also saw Olga’s expression of wrath towards the beggar and the manner in which he struggled to chop wood in the acute cold. She helps Lushkoff to get paid for it. Your email address will not be published.
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