I would be quite the fool, to need twice to learn the lesson that no amount of taking can ever set things right.”. A tooth? There was a smoking crater in the swamp, maybe a hundred feet wide, and though water was streaking back in it looked like the… smite had baked the very mud. “Three weeks, maybe a little more,” I replied. Hanno had remained silent for so long I figured half the people in here had forgot he was even there. The order’s yours to give.”. It was recommended it still go unused until dark, though, as apparently the parts where they had melted the veil between the Twilight Ways and Creation were still ‘cooling off’. Except for my own splendid and flawless patronesses, of course. I was just used to planning from the starting position that I was going to lose something before it was all over, while the White Knight had known the kind of full-throated victories that’d been so rare in my career. “Yes,” I murmured. An open-face barbute with slightly gilding evoking a crown over my brow finished the set, without even a gorget to link the breastplate and the helm. I could appreciate a spine, so long as he understood when he was overstepping. “All right, you now have my undivided attention,” Archer announced. The artefacts were too precious to be used on ghouls, especially when they were being used by the hundreds here. “And completely insane,” the Apprentice heatedly added. Names he’d been careful never to let drawn into an assignment, along with his own. “If you desire the Huntress to be one of the strikers, then you need a replacement.”. In the valley below, far from my sight, the dead began to gather. Because you know there’ll never be a payoff, a redemption, a settling of accounts.”. I jerkily nodded. Indrani, useless as always, began belly laughing and even Vivienne couldn’t hide a smirk. So far we have seen him paired with the Hawk-”. “While I mean no insult to the siegecraft of the Army of Callow, rams and trebuchets won’t dent a structure enchanted the way the Ivory Gates were,” the Apprentice said. The dead are already where they want to be.”. “That’s all we need to buy them.”. A great muzzle peeked out, sniffing at the wind, and out of the dark came a wolf so large it could not be called a wolf. “There’s protections against entropies – rust, erosion, rot – and the centrepiece is the famous ‘dual enchantment’ that made Yvon famous,” I said. Are you not ashamed at what we are become?”. I moved even further west, still at the same height. More and more skeletons were slipping through our fire with every heartbeat, coming ever closer to the walls. “Your name will be Antigone, in honour of another. A stillborn mistake. Through the hole in our wards, a deafening swarm of insects began to pour through. “Sallastus?Really, Sallastus?”. “All over the world,” I said, “wise lords and clever princesses dismissed the thought of you. I was needed elsewhere. The aspect rippled out, tearing through a spell only he could see, and suddenly the hole filled up. Not well, not quickly, and only with crutches but…”. She ran back, branches raking her skin, but she did not know where back was anymore. Lovely. “Rise again,” I murmured, the power singing in my blood. Fuck, I silently thought. Half the audience shouted it with her, as it was apparently a recurrent line, and I realized with a start that she was supposed to be the Saint of Swords. “Namely, how we’re going to destroy them all.”. The last man at the table seemed like he’d aged a decade since I’d last seen him, as if some capricious god had kicked the vigour out of his bones, but the dark hair and elaborate moustache of Prince Arsene of Bayeux could not be mistaken. The cheers washed over me and I painted a smile on my face, raising my sword in victory to roars of approval, but the joy did not reach my eyes. He did not seem pleased to be here, I decided, as was only fitting. “Don’t say that,” I said, and he jumped in surprise. Mind you, that wasn’t my decision alone to make. “That’s putting the cart two towns ahead of the horse, I’d argue.”, “We’re far from a situation where it would even be considered,” I agreed, “but I want all angles accounted for.”, “I’ll have to take his measure in person as well,” I said. What I saw in their faces then, I did not have a name for. Revenants were rarely a laughing matter, and the Scourges never. The enemy had meant to make that place into a meat grinder that it would cost us dearly to clear, focusing on causing damage to our army rather than defending the city properly since the garrison the Dead King had left in here was simply too small to hold it against us. It was the Pilgrim and the White Knight who reached out to me afterwards, though, to arrange a formal council of Named as well. We hadn’t been the only ones to prepare for this campaign. The giant bent down to peer at her, great eyes unblinking, and after sniffing her raised its hand. I met his eyes, unsmiling. “Fight, and win.”. Still, it felt good to engage sword in hand. Of the curses that had been rising to hit us, there was no trace. I didn’t know it, at first, because there were always so many things to learn, to do, to see. “It hides the ward-breaking formula, prevents us from attacking it.”. “I remain unconvinced this should be attempted at all,” the White Knight said, frown deepening, “but when the two of you are in agreement you are rarely incorrect. “My dear Chancellor, I am most disappointed in you. Sending scouts into that swamp, even our nimblest goblins, would just be throwing away lives. “No, what we need is the right blade.”. “Nothing,” I said.


Spartan Renegade Lieutenant, Audix Dp7 Kit, Bibingkang Malagkit Vs Biko, Bright Health Careers, Nehru Literacy Award Winners List, Ocr Media Studies A Level Theories, Chemistry Problem Solver,