Thanks in advance for any help with this! Even a new function like SimpleSC::GetError would be helpful. I tried a different scenario to check if the JAR file is causing the problem. I believe the .\ prefix is also necessary in the "account" input for: But I hope that there is a better out there. I will add a function like "GetServicePath" in the next release. I have the service running but I can't find the way to open my application and change some config parameters, for example. So the only way to change it is via command line "sc.exe". I´ve released a new version of the NSIS Simple Service Plugin. Rajanikanth, Speed78 Install the new service with the new binary path "InstallService". 29th January 2008 22:40 UTC, New Version 1.10 - Mario, nv_rajanikanth I´ve released a new version of the NSIS Simple Service Plugin. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Im trying to install on a 2003 Server if that might help. Dear mabian, Best regards I am able to create the service but in the service control manager there is no description. Hi, I found out that the Service1 issue is a programming issue and it has nothing to do with this plugin. From Version 1.03 to Version 1.04 Fixed bug for possible endless loops. 21st May 2009 18:12 UTC. first: sorry for the delay in answering your reply. Is there a SetServiceBinaryPath or some other way of performing this action. T.Slappy everything works fine. Thanks for this plug-in. Fixed bug for possible endless loops. unfortunately, there is no possiblity to change the binary path. Jar files aren't executable by themselves. I tried username with ".\" or without ".\", all the same results. 27th May 2009 22:26 UTC. AntiVir gave me the answer that the file is a FALSE-POSITIVE File and that they will modify the virus definitions. How can i get the LOGON NAME in a service Could you add the ability to start a service with a parameter? Does your plugin use "sc" or some other command? SimpleSC::StopService and SimpleSC::RestartService are now improved. It is recommend to use this version of the plugin because it is possible that using this functions ends in an endless loop. Rainer, When I do a SimpleSC::RemoveService yet the service is still in the Services list. pineapplex Rainer, amclellan 7th May 2007 17:37 UTC. Now all dependent services are stopping recursively too. 16th January 2008 11:50 UTC, bradkohl Thanks in advance. No real need to fix it - a note in the documentation should do the trick. Therefore it can take a time. You can find more informations and download file on the wiki page ( The result your skript gives me is "1056". Speed78 Note: The signature of the function SimpleSC::RestartService has been changed. If you update from a previous version it is strongly recommendto take look at the changelog. please let me know how to list this 'my service' into 'services.msc', so that later on i can stop/start/restart manually. Anyway, when I install my service with installutil, update then the logon with: Thanks for the quick reply. I'm currently working on a issue where the a service has been previously installed and now I'm trying to update only the binary path if it happened to be installed in a different location without changing the other settings associated with the service. Stu, Speed78 What's the best way to "interact" with the service? Stu, Speed78 Can you think of any reason why SetServiceLogon is not working? - GetServiceDelayedAutoStartInfo So,how can i use simplesc to install this apache ? The following functions got a new "Timeout" parameter: Speed78 Thank you, Google "turn any application to a service" or something similar and you should be able to find them. Now all dependent services are stopping recursively too. Kind regards Within the "Function preuninstall_function" i stop the services if they are running with: mabian 14th January 2008 23:38 UTC. Best wishes from Spain. Have a look at for an idea. 10th February 2008 13:03 UTC, Hi, @ZvyaginzevaE: This is where the error comes into place. When I visited your plugin page at and found there is a note: The function "SetServiceLogon" only works if the servicetype is "SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS" This is ideal for Microsoft's srvany.exe executable which you can use to run any Windows executable as a service (silly enough though, the app that comes with it, instsrv.exe does not allow you to enable desktop interaction!) 10th December 2012 19:23 UTC, nuoyantaizi Thanks Nethertheless, I will add the method "SetServiceBinaryPath" in the next version of this plugin, but this will take some weeks. 10th October 2013 15:28 UTC, Afrow UK I think this should work. 10th January 2008 07:44 UTC, Hello JP, Using NSIS script I m placing (installing) the required files into installation directory and using service plugin I install it where the value in SimpleSC::InstallService points to the JAR file placed in the installation directory. If you have any questions please let me now. This plugin is using the MPL License or alternatively the LGPL License. Any suggestions? the plugin will work like the recommendations in the MSDN. The problem was that a dependency wasn given for the service, which I didn't know about. What's the best way to "interact" with the service? SimpleSC::SetServiceLogon "" "$USER_NAME" "$USER_PASSWORD" Rainer. detailprint $0 2. Thanks in advance, How can I stop the service and wait until it is really stopped? Section The "SimpleSC::StopService"-Function is what you are searching for. Compiled with v1.26 and works like a charm. File 'F:\Projects\JavaService.jar' Oh, there is another issue: But I have another question: this version of SimpleSC was detected as a TROJAN when i used it in my compilation script I tested this script without any problems. We used it to make sure that our service was owned by the current user so we could kill our runtime cleanly at shutdown. PHP Code: Speed78 I tried using V1.26 to Set Logon account info for the Service and was not able to do it. - SimpleSC::ExistsService results now 0 if the service exists and <> 0 if the service doensn´t exists I might have been able to do a call with System to do a GetLastError, or maybe not. 12th July 2010 08:15 UTC, Problem after deleting and then Install a service I think the best way is to do it like windows does it in the "sc delete" command. You can find more informations and download file on the wiki page ( - SimpleSC::InstallService supports now more than one dependencies (delimitter is the forward slash). Hi, When i try to start the service manually i get the following windows error message. Kind regards i'm using "Avast" in my computer. I tried to use your dll. You can find more informations and download file on the wiki page ( Note: The signature of the functions SimpleSC::InstallService and SimpleSC::StartService has been changed.


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