This covered research on seven countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America and involvement the coordination of activities across more that a dozen researchers. We are grateful to DFID for funding this research. What Risks? Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp 216-244. Khan, Mushtaq (2007) Governance, Economic Growth and Development Since the 1960s. Khan, Mushtaq (2009) 'Corruption: Debate with Danny Kaufmann'. London: SOAS. "Patron-Client Networks and the Economic Effects of Corruption in Asia". In: Rose-Ackerman, Susan, (ed. London: SOAS, University of London. Khan, Mushtaq and Andreoni, Antonio and Roy, Pallavi (2019) Illicit Financial Flows: theory and measurement challenges. African Affairs, (117) 469, pp 670-694. London: Europa. Khan, Mushtaq and Kabir, Sumaiya and Ajefu, Joseph (2019) Better jobs: A Strategy to End Fraud in Skills Training in Bangladesh. Background Paper. The Economic Journal, (109) Februa, pp F211-F272. London: SOAS-ACE. Khan, Mushtaq (2014) 'Learning the Lessons of Oslo: State-building and Freedoms in Palestine'. In: Stiglitz, Joseph and Lin, Justin Yifu and Patel, Ebrahim, (eds. Contact | Newsletter | Privacy Policy, Anti-Corruption Evidence (ACE) Research Consortium, Professor Mushtaq Khan, Executive Director. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp 195-230. London: SOAS-ACE. [Unpublished], Khan, Mushtaq Husain and Nguyễn, Văn Thắng and Nguyễn, Vũ Hùng (2015) Administrative Appointments in Vietnamese Universities: A Sectoral Analysis of Feasible Anti-Corruption Strategies. Khan, Mushtaq (1986) 'Bangladesh Opposition in Disarray'. Aid, Institutions, and Globalization. Helsinki: UNU-WIDER. [Unpublished], Khan, Mushtaq (2005) Bangladesh Human Security Assessment 2005. Khan, Mushtaq (2009) 'Corruption and Governance in South Asia 2009'. Washington: The World Bank, pp 21-68. [Unpublished]. Khan, M. H., 2004. ), State Formation in Palestine. [Unpublished]. In 1996, Khan took up a post at SOAS, where he was made a professor in 2005. Khan, Mushtaq and Roy, Pallavi (2020) COVID-19: Locking in Solutions while in Lockdown. London: Routledge, pp 64-119. Mushtaq Khan is the Executive Director of SOAS-ACE. The European Journal of Development Research, (10) 1, pp 15-39. In: Bailey, David and Cowling, Keith and Tomlinson, Philip R., (eds. Viability and Governance During a Social Transformation. Khan, Mushtaq (2018) 'Power, Pacts and Political Settlements: A Reply to Tim Kelsall'. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp 238-256. Khan, Mushtaq (2004) 'Power, Property Rights and the Issue of Land Reform: A General Case Illustrated with Reference to Bangladesh'. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp 1-20. He is a leading thinker on anti-corruption, governance, economic development and political settlements, with research interests that include industrial policy, institutional economics, political economy, the economics of rent seeking corruption and patron-client networks, late industrialisation and the state, governance reforms and the economic development of South Asia in comparative perspective. ), In the Shadow of Violence: Politics, Economics and the Problems of Development. In: Jomo, KS and Reinert, ES, (eds. Professor Mushtaq Khan is a senior academic at the Department of Economics, SOAS, University of London, and a leading thinker on anti-corruption, governance, economic development, industrial policy and political settlements. Dhaka: Centre for Sustainable Development, pp 11-68. ), Investment Climate, Growth, and Poverty. ', 'The Political Economy of Industrial Policy in Asia and Latin America', 'Is "Good Governance" an Appropriate Model for Governance Reforms? Khan, Mushtaq (2012) 'Governance and Growth Challenges for Africa'. Khan, Mushtaq (2010) 'Post-Oslo State-Building Strategies and their Limitations. For all press and media enquiries please call +44 (0)20 7898 4135 or email In: Noman, Akbar and Botchwey, Kwesi and Stein, Howard and Stiglitz, Joseph, (eds. New Political Economy, (7) 2, pp 275-277. He has given evidence to the UK House of Commons on several occasions including on aid to Palestine and on anti-corruption and its regularly invited to high level meetings with UK government ministers and officials to provide inputs in policy discussions. In: Basu, Subho and Das, Suranjan, (eds. ), (2004) State Formation in Palestine: Viability and Governance during a Social Transformation. Khan, Mushtaq (2005) 'Markets, States and Democracy: Patron-Client Networks and the Case for Democracy in Developing Countries'. Khan, Mushtaq (2006) 'Corruption and Governance'. The research organisation Unnayan Onneshan provided excellent research assistance. Khan, Mushtaq (2007) 'Governance, Economic Growth and Development since the 1960s'. New York: UNDP, Management Development and Governance Division, pp 111-128. Khan, Mushtaq (2012) 'Beyond Good Governance: An Agenda for Developmental Governance'. Khan, Mushtaq (2000) 'Rent-seeking as Process'. London: Palgrave, pp 79-115. . . [2] Several of his articles have won prizes, including the Hans Singer Prize and the Frank Cass Prize. His work is published and cited globally and has won a number of prizes including his article in the journal Democratization, which received the annual Frank Cass Prize for the article that 'most advances our knowledge and understanding of democratization'. ), Development and Modern Industrial Policy in Practice: Issues and Country Experiences. Inside Asia 7. Calcutta: K. P. Bagchi, pp 176-200. Khan, Mushtaq (2014) 'Aid and Governance in Vulnerable States: Bangladesh and Pakistan since 1971'. Khan, Mushtaq (2013) 'Bangladesh: Economic Growth in a Vulnerable Limited Access Order'. He was also joint leader of a research programme on governance and growth for the Agence Francaise Développement, AFD (2010-13). Mushtaq H. Khan This version July 2010 . His work focusses on the economics of poor countries; it includes notable contributions to the field of institutional economics and South Asian development. This list was last generated on Friday, 27th November 2020, 00:15 Europe/London. Academic Staff, SOAS South Asia Institute. Educated as an exhibitioner at Corpus Christi College, Oxford, Khan graduated with a first-class BA in Philosophy, Politics and Economics in 1981. Khan, Mushtaq (2008) 'Investment and Technology Policies'. "Markets, States and Democracy: Patron-Client Networks and the Case for Democracy in Developing Countries". Khan, Mushtaq (2009) Palestinian State Formation since the Signing of the Olso Accords. Jomo, Kwame Sundaram and Khan, Mushtaq (2000) 'Introduction to Rents, Rent-Seeking and Economic Development: Theory and Evidence in Asia'. In: Khan, Mushtaq and Jomo, Kwame Sundaram, (eds. Khan, Mushtaq (2009) 'Is "Good Governance" an Appropriate Model for Governance Reforms? ), Rents, Rent-Seeking and Economic Development: Theory and Evidence in Asia. [Unpublished]. The Role of Government Beyond Ideology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp 21-69. Cheaper, cleaner power: De-risking as an anti-collusion strategy in Bangladesh Publication date: 9th June 2020 Publication Type: Working Paper Authors: Mushtaq Khan Maria Matin Iffat Zahan Zeeshan Ashraf Joseph Ajefu Read more. London and New Dehli: Zed Press and Tulika, pp 200-221. Professor Mushtaq Khan, Executive Director Professor Mushtaq Khan is a senior academic at the Department of Economics, SOAS, University of London, and a leading thinker on anti-corruption, governance, economic development, industrial policy and political settlements. Khan, Mushtaq (2020) Making Collective Action Effective: Possibilism versus Strategic Realism. In: Ocampo, José Antonio and Jomo, Kwame S. and Vos, Rob, (eds. Khan, Mushtaq (2006) 'State and Economic Development: What Role? He has spoken widely on topics such as rent-seeking, corruption, governance reform and economic development. ), Good Growth and Governance in Africa: Rethinking Development Strategies. UNDP Bangladesh. Bhaskar, V. and Khan, Mushtaq (2000) 'Privatization and Employment: A Study of the Jute Industry in Bangladesh'. Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics, Europe (2003).. Oxford University Press and World Bank, pp 165-195. Bangladesh Development Studies, (23) 1-2, pp 123-139. . The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, (656) 1, pp 59-78. Khan, Mushtaq and Amundsen, I., (eds. Khan, Mushtaq (2012) 'Governance During Social Transformations: Challenges for Africa'. London: Zed Press, pp 69-80. Khan, Mushtaq (2004) 'State Failure in Developing Countries and Institutional Reform Strategies'. Abingdon: Routledge. [Unpublished], Khan, Mushtaq (2005) Review of DFID's Target Strategy Paper on Governance. In: Padayachee, Vishnu, (ed. In: Keating, M and Le, A and Lowe, R, (eds. ', 'Social Justice and Sustainable Development in Muslim Countries', 'Social Transformation and the State (A Response to Vivek Chibber)', 'Memorandum submitted as Evidence to the House of Commons International Development Committee on Development Assistance and the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
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