Contract must be approved by instructor and dean.Credit Hour: 1-3Prerequisites: Restricted to Journalism and Science and Agricultural Journalism majors only. Graded on A-F basis only.Credit Hours: 2Prerequisites: Undeclared Journalism or Pre-Journalism majors during early registration, JOURN 1300: Fundamentals of Written Journalism and Strategic Communication, Fundamentals of Written Journalism and Strategic Communication is designed to be one of three courses to introduce students to the basics of journalism and strategic communication practice. Graded on A-F basis only.Credit Hours: 3Prerequisites: JOURN 4450 or JOURN 7450; JOURN 4804 or JOURN 7804; or JOURN 4560 or JOURN 7560, JOURN 4426: Religion Reporting and Writing, (same as REL_ST 4418; cross-leveled with JOURN 7426, REL_ST 7418). The course focuses on the impact of technological change and globalization on cultures around the world from various interdisciplinary perspectives. However, petitions requesting admission to the program from students at more advanced stages in either program may be considered. This program is especially suitable for students interested in enhancing their competencies, qualifications, and career options through the successful completion of two complementary professional programs. Graded on A-F basis only.Credit Hours: 3Prerequisites: JOURN 4200, JOURN 4204 and JOURN 4952, (cross-leveled with JOURN 4216). All rights reserved. Lab work is hands-on experience at and the Missourian newspaper.Credit Hours: 3, (cross-leveled with JOURN 4408). To simulate the entrepreneurial process, students identify an unmet need or market opportunity and develop an innovative product or service to solve a real-world problem. Contact Web Group | Login Graded on S/U basis only.Credit Hour: 1, Guidance for doctoral candidates engaged in investigations looking toward production of the dissertation. Students apply classroom teachings by designing pages for the Columbia Missourian and Vox Magazine. Graded on A-F basis only.Credit Hours: 3Prerequisites: JOURN 4200, JOURN 4204 and JOURN 4952, JOURN 4212: Sports and Entertainment Promotion, (cross-leveled with JOURN 7212) Course focuses on the role that research, sponsorship, advertising, public relations, social media, positioning, target marketing, psychographics, and other strategic communication processes play in the promotion of the sports and entertainment industry. Open to graduate students regardless of major and to undergraduates with instructor's consent. Open to all journalism school emphasis areas.Credit Hours: 3Prerequisites: Restricted to Journalism and Agricultural Journalism majors, JOURN 4439: Advanced Business Journalism, (cross-leveled with JOURN 7439). Contract must be approved by instructor and dean. Examines the role of religion journalism in faith, public life and culture.Credit Hours: 3Prerequisites: JOURN 4450 or JOURN 7450 or its equivalent in professional writing experience and instructor's consent, This course focuses on reporting, sourcing and analysis techniques journalists use to understand and report on health policy, health-care quality, medical research and the business of health care. Or cover a SEC bowl game for an NBC affiliate. Degrees, Majors (Degree Programs), Emphasis Areas, Minors and Certificates, University Level Academic Degree Requirements. In this course, students explore the current landscape of entrepreneurship (with specific reference to the strategic communication space) and practice a human-centered approach to solving problems. Graded on A-F basis.Credit Hours: 3Prerequisites: Consent of instructor, (cross-leveled with JOURN 7300)Beginning reporting and news writing for radio, television and their on-line services. Course qualifies for EU Certificate Program.Credit Hours: 3Prerequisites: Restricted to Journalism and Science and Agricultural Journalism majors only, JOURN 4662: Global News Across Platforms, (cross-leveled with JOURN 7662). Only one of this type of Humanities and/or Fine Arts courses may be applied towards meeting the Humanities and/or Fine Arts General Education Distribution of Content requirement. Student honors and class ranks at the School of Law will be computed on classes enrolled in as law courses. Doctoral comprehensive examination This course is intended to review theoretical, conceptual, and analytic issues associated with network perspectives on communicating and organizing. Consideration of ethical issues, economic factors, relationships with news sources and gender and ethnic diversity in the newsroom and in news stories.Credit Hours: 3Prerequisites: Radio-Television Journalism Major Required, Selected current topics in journalism. Designed for advanced strategic communications students preparing for careers in interactive media. First year required law courses (31 credit hours), Second year required law courses (8)


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