Get study abroad news directly in your inbox! .input-container { line-height: 21px; } Second smallest continent, with 10,180,000 (km2), the area regroups 50 countries. +, The MA/MSc in Linguistics: Language and Communication Technologies offers a unique combination of theoretical linguistics and computer-science research in a multi-lingual sett Narrow your search further by selecting a specific category, program level and location. We tend to take... History and English Language and Linguistics - BA (Hons). Use our website to find information about degrees and career paths from around the world and speak directly with admissions officers at the schools and universities that interest you. Linguistics is a field of study that spans back several millennia, and yet today we are still learning new things every day about how we use language to interact and convey meaning. float: none; margin: Some find work as interpreters and translators in both the U.S. and abroad. Narrow your search further by selecting a specific category, program level and location. } font-weight: bold !important; We tend to take... You can study Linguistics as a joint honours degree with Spanish (50% Linguistics and 50% Spanish). The course is aimed at experienced English Language Teachers and other English langu You will spend your third year abroad at one of our partner institutions. @media (max-width: 750px) { Use our free search engine to find and compare online programs from top universities around the world. .quote-request-form-form legend { font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; padding: 0 10px; } The course is aimed at experienced English Language Teachers and other English language professionals. degrees The M.Phil. Learn more about th… .htmlpage-content .input-container td { padding: 0 !important; } Discover how spoken... English Language and Linguistics and Italian - BA (Hons). It is in a rapidly evolving area of study with excellent career opportunities, both in industry and academia. } .quote-request-form ul { margin: 10px 10px 20px 10px !important; padding: 0 !important; list-style-position: inside; } } .rating-single label, .input-container label { font-weight: 400; } ... Study in Europe: Bachelors, Masters, PhDs More than 15,000 degree programmes Study.EU: Your gateway to universities in Europe. .quote-request-form input[type=checkbox], .quote-request-form input[type=radio] { float: left; margin-right: 5px; } In the Master's Programme in Linguistic Diversity and Digital Humanities (Previously: Linguistic Diversity in the Digital Age), you may deepen your understanding of the nature and diversity of human language and the theoretical and digital tools for working with language and speech. Philosophy and English Language and Linguistics - BA (Hons). Master's degree in linguistics (no legal status) Students will be able to: (general competences) ... Learning Opportunities and Qualifications in Europe. Applied Linguistics Bachelor's Degree or Minor: Why PSU? .quote-request-form-form .testRequest input { top: 6px; position: relative; margin: 0 8px 0 0 !important; min-width: 20px;} Groningen , Netherlands, Leiden , Netherlands +9 More, Stirling , United Kingdom, Nijmegen , Netherlands, Ostrava , Czech Republic, {{ tt('website__program_pages__new_num_programs_found').replace('{num}', num_programs) }}. .rating label { font-weight: bold; } Narrow your search further by selecting a specific category, program level and location. A Comparative Literature degree differs from an English Literature program in that it transcends national and cultural boundaries, offering you a... Chinese is one of the world's biggest languages, with around one quarter of the entire world's population speaks Chinese as... We tend to take our ability to produce and understand speech for granted until we try to learn another language,... You can study Linguistics as a joint honours degree with French (50% Linguistics and 50% French). ... Courses on a broad array of topics can be combined along thematic or disciplinary lines that interest you most. border-radius: 3px; The Applied Linguistics faculty are committed to your success. .quote-request-form-row { European Commission > Master's degree in linguistics (no legal status) Master's degree in general linguistics and ... (no legal status) Students will be able to: (general competences) ... Learning Opportunities and Qualifications in Europe. and M.Phil. The aim of the program is to produce graduates who are specialists in English philology - proficient users of English (C2 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) with a solid knowledge of English linguistics and a deep knowledge of the literature and culture of English-speaking countries, who are aware of the professional literature in these fields and other information resources. Oxford offers two Joint Degree courses that include Linguistics: Modern Languages & Linguistics, and Psychology, Philosophy & Linguistics.


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