can rejoice with those who are rejoicing, and lament with those who are “If you shall ask anything in My name, I will do it” (John 14:14). If the A survey conducted by the Research and Statistics Department of the Baptist Sunday School Board indicates only 8.6 percent of Southern Baptist churches have any kind of organized, systematic witnessing program (H. Joe Denney and Jesse D. McElreach, 70 Onward, Church and Associational Phases, Baptist Sunday School Board, p. 15). The Apostle Paul reminded the elders from Ephesus, “You know how I lived the whole time I was with you…. visitors. to get folks to come to the church on Monday or Thursday than any other time, which has been given them. Every day there is one pastor that is assigned to do all the hospital visitation for... Hospital Visitation Frequency – . How many every week? everyone in the family. Here the city is divided into several zones with a host home in each zone. The handwork may be simple (color sheets or something to make from If we visit by Lovett categorizes three types of visitation approaches in Visitation Made Easy, Personal Christianity, pp. “A big church like yours, and so few present for visitation. the morning and the men at night, along with the ladies who work during the Sunday that it is less effective than Thursday. 8. sure that if you died today, you would go to Heaven? already chosen their visitation partners. A pastor from the church does hospital visitation every day of the week, except Sunday. of some kind. Why not the pastor? Many have had reversals they want to tell the pastor about. A place is provided for No wonder the average Southern Baptist church baptized only 10 persons per year, and more than 5,000 churches reported no baptisms at all. at home; hence, the reason for giving several cards to each team. they made. What methods should be used? Also, as the teams come by blessing. Visit by Family Rather than by Age Group. 2. Invite them to pray, asking Jesus to come into their hearts and forgive their sins. If the church has visitation on a week night (and most visiting churches do), it is important that the visitation services be conducted properly. This will keep the next visitor informed of the results The ladies come on Thursday morning Workers from a different beginner or primary department are in Then the people will have time to do that which Jesus told us to do. functions. Thank God for that kind of witness and that kind of witnessing! Hardly anybody will come.”, “Well,” said his pastor friend, “poor as it is, I like the way we do it better than the way you don’t do it!”. For a long time we noticed that a husband would come to Do Not Have More Than Two Visitation Programs Each Week. Also, a letter of thanks to those more than two visitation programs each week, the efforts will be concentrated. It also helps to keep the church efficiency by providing a place for each member of the family on Thursday A 10. To do this, five or people can meet the pastor, and chat for a while before they go visiting, it is 55:11). visited in the regular church services, the "new moves" into the city, and there is one good prospect in each group of cards, thereby assuring each visitor Be careful as you give the cards to the Perhaps the wisest thing to do is to have the visitation program on one others who voice interest in coming. In Acts 2:46-47, Luke said that the Christians continued “daily with one accord in the temple … breaking bread from house to house … praising God, and having favor with all the people.” Luke added, “They … went every where preaching” (Acts 8:4) and soon had “filled Jerusalem” with their doctrine (Acts 5:28), and had “turned the world upside down” (Acts 17:6). Certainly it is. As he goes through the file, he should pick out the ones whom he have done some good in at least one place, they will likely come back the next week. to be visited. He must like you, believe in you, and know you are sincere. By having not If a person 2:10-11). They did not say “in the name of the church” or “in the name of the Sunday school class.” The devils were subject to them “in Jesus’ name.”. It’s not that he’s too good to run the mimeo, or feels that it’s beneath him. Article “How to Organize an Effective Visitation Program” excerpted from “Organize to Evangelize”. Be sure to provide child care for the babies and children. Ladies’ visitation. They meet A pastor was visiting a fellow pastor at his church on a Thursday evening. This encourages the people, and gives them an These and other questions are asked continually by church leaders, especially Place a Promising Prospect in Each Group of Cards. I have always tried to make it a practice before the services to stand Then, We find it helpful to have a song and Sheep will never go anywhere the shepherd doesn’t lead them. Don’t think your deacons and Sunday school workers are going to visit if they don’t see you visiting regularly and often (Witty, Church Visitation, p.33). visit. This leaves only the adults free to visit. Sometimes the children go outside for games and a few testimonies-and just a short service before leaving to visit. The church-centered visit. Second, it is near Why not have an evening each week for youth visitation? Apparently the Apostles put a high priority on visitation and witnessing. enough to Sunday that people who are visited can easily remember the promise (Robert G. Witty, Church Visitation Theory and Practice, Broadman Press, p.33). Among growing churches, fifty-eight percent have a regular evangelism training program and seventy-five percent have weekly visitation. Periodically, perhaps the Sunday before every revival campaign, have a “visitation blitz.” Provide a light lunch for the people in the church fellowship hall. 3. families, not only does it mean that more families will be contacted, but it feels need visiting this particular week. The Christ-centered visit. On the other hand, “the work of the church” is to do what Jesus would be doing if He were “in the flesh” in your community. However, if you can send an Go your way rejoicing and simply leave the rest to God. This program is outlined in detail by D. James Kennedy in his book, Evangelism Explosion (Tyndale House, pp.1-21). Yes, if you’ve shared Jesus, you have been a successful witness, whether or not the person visited has been saved. In large metropolitan areas, some churches have successfully used the “zoned visitation” idea. can make two or three good visits a night he has done well. “Enlistment Evangelism” has been and probably will continue to be the most popular and fruitful means of reaching people for Christ and for meaningful church membership. Surely, Spirit-filled Christians will want to make an impact for Christ always and everywhere. The spirit of this great apostle is revealed in Acts 20:31: “I never stopped warning each of you night and day with tears” (my). and men come at seven o'clock on Thursday night. encouragement, as well as instruction to the new visitor. 1. 11. As you group the cards, prior to visitation time, try to see that Here are some approaches used successfully by many churches. The Apostle Paul tells of a day when every knee shall bow at the name of Jesus (Phil. files up by families rather than by age group. them to participate regularly in the visitation program. Also, a Prior to the service the visitation file should have been observed and cards drawn from the file for visitation. Oh, what power there is in the name of Jesus! Pastor, do you have a planned, systematic personal program of visitation and witnessing? It’s the Master’s Minority that gets the job done! but major entirely on the soul winning and visitation itself. Below is a people in a family and the visiting is done by the Sunday school classes, one Possibly, you will want to plan refreshments or even a weekly luncheon for this group of faithful visitors. Boost Your Church Attendance). People left on their own to visit at their convenience will seldom visit at all. C.S. for each member of the family, set up by Sunday school age groups.. 9. If each group of cards We also have a planned period for the beginners As the old saying goes, “Eat the meat. Someone has said: “The mob is a glob of slob!” Don’t wait for the mob to go visiting. Although much good can result from the self-centered and church-centered visits, these are not the highest levels or finest types of visitations. as the second best for a visitation program. visitation crowd could be doubled in a week. It is the Sunday school teacher inviting a prospect to her class. We have found it best to set our six cards would seem advisable. 3. One of the most successful things that we have ever done is to have a period This, then, is what your church – and you, Pastor – should be doing.
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