B indicates breeding population. The author also acknowledges the collective contributions of the hundreds of volunteers who participated in the Ontario and Quebec atlas projects, the North American Breeding Bird Survey and the Christmas Bird Count. Henslow’s Sparrow: guidelines for population monitoring and habitat management in Ontario. Endangered Species Act (ESA) 2007. In Quebec, birders are asked to submit breeding season observations of the Henslow’s Sparrow and other birds at risk to the “Suivi de l’Occupation des Stations des nidification des Populations d’Oiseaux en Peril” (SOS-POP) database coordinated by the Regroupment QuébecOiseaux (RQO). Clutch size is typically 4 eggs (range 2 to 5). Breeding territories are small and often clustered in loose colonies. Online database, updated 7 August 2009. This legislation prohibits the possession or sale of migratory birds and their nests, and activities that are harmful to migratory birds, their eggs, or their nests, except as permitted under the Migratory Bird Regulations. (2002) and recent analysis of breeding and wintering records from multiple sources. There is considerable interest in the use of agrobiomass as a fuel at coal-burning electricity plants in Ontario. (Ed.). 2005). 1994. Systematic Zoology 39(2):148-161. Austen, M.J.W., and M.D. Van Lear, D.H., W.D. Loi sur les espèces menacées ou vulnérable (LEMV). University of Waterloo Press, Waterloo, ON. Existing native prairie remnants or restorations in southern Ontario are generally too small and isolated to support a persistent breeding population. Rich, C.M. 2007. 2000. The Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada, provides full administrative and financial support to the COSEWIC Secretariat. Globally, this species is classified as Near Threatened and ranked as apparently secure (G4). If flushed, it flies away low for a short distance before dropping into the weeds. The breeding range of the Henslow’s Sparrow is difficult to delineate precisely because it is a relatively inconspicuous and uncommon species and occurs only locally and sporadically within its range. The Condor 108(1): 25-46. For rare species such as the Henslow’s Sparrow, atlassers were asked to collect detailed abundance and distribution information. Populations in adjacent parts of the U.S., which are a likely source of birds for Canada, are declining. No information on declines in population abundance. For the 10-year period 2000-09, the Henslow’s Sparrow was reported from a total of 16 sites in Ontario (including atlas records) and three sites in Quebec (Table 1). comm. Patten, M.A. Effects of management practices on grassland birds: Henslow's Sparrow. Pp. The abundance and breeding distribution of the Henslow’s Sparrow in Canada and North America have undergone marked fluctuations at various geographic and time scales in response to changes in habitat availability. Ontario Partners in Flight (OPIF). Cadman. data 2009). Henslow’s Sparrow: an up-date. * Formerly described as “Vulnerable” from 1990 to 1999, or “Rare” prior to 1990. Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center, Jamestown, ND. Consequently, Henslow’s Sparrow habitat availability in the core of its US range has likely peaked. Patterns in the US are more complex but also show regional long-term changes and local year-to-year fluctuations in abundance (Herkert et al. Conservation assessment: Henslow’s Sparrow, Ammodramus henslowii. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Species at Risk Section, Fish and Wildlife Branch, Natural Resources Management Division. 77 pp. Species designated at meetings of the full committee are added to the list. Of particular concern to the status of the Canadian population are recent declines in the numbers of Henslow’s Sparrows breeding at traditional sites in northern and western New York, within 100 km of the Canadian border (Brinkley and Baicich 2004; McGowan 2008). Between 1965 and 2005, the Henslow’s Sparrow was reported from 147 CBC count circles, distributed across most of the wintering range (Butcher and Niven 2007). and M.D. Is there an [observed, inferred, or projected] continuing decline in index of area of occupancy? This rare species was not detected during any point counts during the second atlas. Saving our Shared Birds: Partners in Flight Tri-National Vision for Landbird Conservation. The largest wintering Henslow’s Sparrow populations occur in coastal Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris) savannas that have a dense graminoid ground cover, and in associated Pitcher Plant (Sarracenia sp.) The extent and condition of the agricultural grasslands, which have supported the majority of breeding Henslow’s Sparrow for more than a century, have been in general decline since at least the 1960s (Pruitt 1996). 2007. The Auk 116(4): 1054-1074. The Henslow’s Sparrow has been reported only 13 times on BBS routes in Ontario, with no detections since 2002 (BBS database, USGS 2010). Last updated 3 June 2009. James, R.D. It is also considered an area-sensitive species, occurring more frequently and at higher densities in larger habitat patches (Ribic et al. Therefore, the index of area of occupancy is inferred to be less than 100 km². Production note: COSEWIC would like to acknowledge Audrey Heagy for writing the status report on Henslow’s Sparrow Ammodramus henslowii in Canada, prepared under contract with Environment Canada. Territorial Henslow’s Sparrows have also been found in hay and fodder croplands in Ontario and Quebec, although hayfields are not generally considered suitable breeding habitat as they are cut too frequently and lack the required vegetation structure. 2006). 2010). Vickery and D.E. Slate Creek Press, Bolinas, CA. Biochemical and genetic evidence suggests that Henslow’s and Baird’s (A. bairdii)sparrowsare a relatively old sister-species pair (Zink and Avise 1990). Since the early 1980s there has been a series of targeted surveys of known and potential Henslow’s Sparrow breeding locations in Ontario using a combination of experienced professional and volunteer field staff. 2007. Fact Sheet, Division of Migratory Bird Management, U.S. SAR Policy 4.1 22 July 2008. Additional follow-up visits were made at occupied sites. The Henslow’s Sparrow is an easy-to-overlook bird with an almost nonexistent song and a preference for thick, weedy grasslands and wetlands. Are there extreme fluctuations in number of mature individuals? Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada, Ottawa, ON. The Henslow’s Sparrow was reported from a total of nine squares over the five-year atlas period, 2001-05. Key elements of the breeding habitat, as identified in studies from the United States and Ontario and summarized in the National Recovery Strategy are described below (Environment Canada 2010). 2002). 1998. Galligan, E.W., T.L. Henslow’s Sparrow Conservation Action Plan Workshop Summary: March 7-8, 2007. Rich, T.D., C.J. [accessed December 2009]. 2008. In 1983 a new breeding population was discovered in disturbed habitats in the Coastal Plain of North Carolina (Lynch and LeGrand 1985; Pruitt 1996; Cooper 2009). It is identified as a priority species of conservation concern in many bird and wildlife conservation plans. and J.R. Webster. 2002; Cooper 2009). Across its range the Henslow’s Sparrow occurs at low abundance levels and the total global population is relatively small. Recent population increases in some parts of the United States are attributed to the creation of suitable breeding habitat through farmland retirement under the Conservation Reserve Program. 2004; Partners in Flight (PIF) 2007). 2009. 1997). Are there extreme fluctuations in index of area of occupancy? Iverson, and A.M. Prasad. New information is available from the Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas (2001-05), habitat assessments at historic occurrences in 2002 and 2007-08, and ongoing casual observations. description page. viii + 10 pp. The Canadian range is contiguous with breeding populations in adjacent states including Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York. Thus, rescue from the United States is likely to be limited. (Version 12DEC2003). Vidal, and T. Will. Nest success rates in grasslands on reclaimed surface coal mines and non-mined grassland habitat in the US were comparable and relatively high, suggesting that this species is doing reasonably well where it is still nesting (Galligan et al. Second round BBAs in New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan also indicate general state-wide population declines across these border states, except in southeastern Ohio and western Pennsylvania where the species continues to breed regularly in grasslands created on reclaimed coal mines (Cooper 2009). This species is currently classified as one of nine species in the New World genus Ammodramus. Huebert, C. and A. Wormington. 2010). Thus, the availability of native grassland habitat suitable for this species is likely at least stable, albeit very limited in total extent. The residence of this species has been identified as the nest, which is protected against disturbance during the breeding season (late April until end of August) under SARA and the MBCA 1994 (Government of Canada 2006). The Ontario and southern Quebec Breeding Bird Atlas projects provide snapshots of the Canadian breeding distribution of the Henslow’s Sparrow.


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