Their song is similar to that of other Savannah Sparrows in their range, but perhaps slightly lower–pitched (Horn unpub. comm. A little research confirmed that two named subspecies are expected in that area. The Sibley Field Guide to Birds of Eastern North America: Second Edition, The Sibley Guide to Birds - Second Edition, The Sibley Field Guide to Birds of Western North America: Second Edition, Identification of Belding’s Savannah Sparrow, Subspecies by phenology – Great Blue Heron, Distinguishing Eurasian and American Common Merganser, New Product – A ten pack of greeting cards with art and text from my newest book, Scarlet Tanagers are bright red – but this one is yellow, A Cerulean-like song variant of Black-throated Blue Warbler, Exhibit of original art from "What it's like to be a bird" - Canton, MA. Blaney, S., per. The bird’s reproductive rate is very high; breeding starts in the second year, adult survival rates are fairly high for a migratory passerine (28–42%), fledging success is very high (72–84%), and pairs raise two to three clutches per season. Email correspondence to A.G. Horn. Young leave the nest about 11 days after hatching, and are fed, especially by the male, for two to three weeks thereafter. Five years is allowed for those species that were initially listed when SARA came into force. For many species, CBCs provide good information on winter distributions and population trends, but for Ipswich sparrows data are sparse. Figure 2. Under SARA, a species of special concern is a wildlife species that could become threatened or endangered because of a combination of biological characteristics and identified threats. Their small area of occupancy during the breeding season leaves them vulnerable to chance events, although their high reproductive rate helps the population recover quickly from short–term declines. Austin Jr., ed.) Summer breeding range (Sable Island) and wintering range (greyed coastline) of the Ipswich sparrow, Figure 3. COSEWIC assessed this species as Special Concern in May 2000, and it is currently federally listed in Canada as Special Concern in Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act, which requires creation of a management plan. Vegetation changes associated with barrier–dune construction on the outer banks of North Carolina. The ecology and demographics of the Ipswich sparrow have been well studied. You will not receive a reply. Moreover, a search of species lists given by wildlife department websites of individual states shows that some status ranks incorrectly imply extralimital breeding (with a Breeding Status Qualifier of “B”), no doubt because the population has not been distinguished from local populations of Savannah Sparrows. the provincial jurisdiction in which the species occurs -- Nova Scotia; Aboriginal groups -- the Nova Scotia Native Council and the Confederacy of Mainland Mi'kmaq; environmental non-government groups -- the Sable Island Preservation Trust and the Nova Scotia Bird Society; industry stakeholders -- Canada–Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board; and. A difference in behavior alone does not automatically mean that a bird is a different subspecies, but it might be the clue that leads to really interesting discoveries. Catherine Dale and Ian McLaren provided invaluable access to unpublished data and manuscripts. Management plan for the Savannah Sparrow, princeps subspecies (Passerculus sandwichensis princeps), in Canada. Management plan development is mandated under Sections 65–72 of SARA ( comm. Ipswich sparrows breed in nearly all vegetated areas on Sable Island, particularly heathy areas dominated by shrubs, which are characteristic of stable terrain on the island, as well as areas where Marram Grass (Ammophila breviligulata) is particularly dense. 2005). Remove or reduce threats to Ipswich Sparrows and their breeding and wintering habitat. NatureServe. The Committee meets to consider status reports on candidate species. 1998. COSEWIC assessment and status report on the Savannah Sparrow princeps subspecies Passerculus sandwichensis in Canada. Temple, M. 1996. Cover illustration: Ipswich Sparrow by Lloyd Fitzgerald © 1974. The areas were selected to have roughly uniform habitat while collectively representing the proportions of habitat types on the island as a whole. Moreover, because Sable Island is a low–lying sand island, the entire island is vulnerable to the rises in sea–level that are projected to occur as a result of climate change. Atlas of Breeding Birds of the Maritime Provinces. and A.G. Horn. 2003. Physical Geography 15:342–357. Ross (1979) also lists European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) and Red–winged Blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) as potential predators, although this seems unlikely. On June 5, 2003, the Species at Risk Act (SARA) was proclaimed. Would immigrants be adapted to survive in Canada? Elliot, J.J. 1968. Raptors are presumably the main predators during migration and in winter (Stobo and McLaren 1975). The Canadian Wildlife Service – Atlantic Region, Environment Canada, led the development of this management plan. The Ipswich sparrow is protected by the Canadian Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994 and the US Migratory Bird Treaty Act, 1918. and I.A. McLaren, I.A. Dale, C. 2007. Females lay clutches of three to five eggs in a concealed nest on the ground. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. Auk 97:721–732. Figure 3. Wright, M. Leonard, and M.C. Evidence collected since the previous status report fails to support some of the other threats posited there. Permission for use was provided by Wayne Stobo. 1992. No physiological studies have been conducted. Bernd–Cohen, T. and M. Gordon. As noted above, however, mitochrondrial DNA studies have since found evidence that gene flow between the island and mainland is quite restricted (Mockford et al. Historically, the population survived numerous cats and foxes on the island for many years (Elliot 1968). Version 4.7. About 25% of males are bigamous (< 5% are trigamous; Stobo and McLaren 1975), which might slightly reduce the effective population size, relative to a monogamous population. Ipswich sparrows are strictly associated with coastal dune habitat. Ipswich sparrows eat a wide range of seeds and insects, primarily the seeds of Marram Grass in the summer and Sea Oats (Uniola paniculata) in the winter (Stobo and McLaren 1971, 1975). State Coastal Program Effectiveness in Protecting Natural Beaches, Dunes, Bluffs, and Rocky Shores. The objectives of this plan are to: i. Second, on the Nova Scotia mainland west of Sable Island, in the same summer, an intensive search of 13 km of coastal habitat revealed two mixed pairs, only one of which raised flying young (Stobo and McLaren 1975). Growth of nestling Ipswich Sparrows in relation to season, habitat, brood size, and parental age. Production note:COSEWIC would like to acknowledge Andrew G. Hornfor writing the status report on the “Ipswich”subspecies of the Savannah Sparrow princeps subspecies Passerculus sandwichensis princeps in Canada, prepared under contract with Environment Canada, overseen and edited by Jon McCracken, Co–chair, COSEWIC Birds Species Specialist Subcommittee. Condor 107:21–28. The SEA concluded that this plan will clearly benefit the environment and will not entail any significant adverse effects. 2008). Even as recently as between 1970 and 1990, the human population in the coastal zone increased 5–90% among states in the wintering range of Ipswich sparrows, with only one state reporting declines (New York; 5%) and states in the centre of the birds’ range (Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina) reporting increases of 12%, 40%, and 39% (Bernd–Cohen and Gordon 1998). Criterion E (Quantitative Analysis): Not done.
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