Just sprinkle some fresh grounds on the soil surrounding the plants to keep squirrels away.. juicy fruit gum kills the ground squirrels, they eat it, it binds them and they go in their holes and die!!! And then keep them out permanently by practicing regular housekeeping and tidiness. Place the pieces near the burrows, and the chipmunks will be disgusted at the scent. I share handy DIY pest techniques I come across here to help out others (and possibly save them from a mental breakdown). If you have some on hand, roll up pieces of juicy fruit gum and place it in the holes leading to their burrow. Maggie, Chipmunks and squirrels do not like chestnuts. Subscribers get a copy of our ebook Little Luxuries: 130 Ways to Live Better...For Less for FREE! The whole idea behind the Juicy Fruit method of mole control is that the moles will eat the gum and that it will then “gum up” their insides, causing them to die of constipation or some other horrible digestive problem. Your garage may have an entryway that allows them to harvest food and carry it back to their burrow. It doesn’t. ... Barbara Morris. I have also heard of Juicy Fruit gum & peanut butter for chipmunks, but that is also a “permanent” solution. If you have any questions, leave a comment. Personally, I’d avoid using mothballs as the risks may outweigh the benefits. Do not allow trees, shrubs, or other plantings to run continuously from wooded areas to the home, as this will draw chipmunks in. Watch Now: How to Get Rid of Chipmunks. Some have reported that the use of chewing gum or chocolate laxatives will kill gophers, but Rex Marsh, vertebrate pest control specialist at UC Davis, fed these treats to gophers in captivity and found that most simply developed a sweet tooth. Let’s take a look at the time of year. Read my How to Get Rid of Chipmunks guide.For more information, you may want to click on one of these guides that I wrote:How To Guide: Who should I hire? Guide: How much does wildlife removal cost. Add 1 tablespoon of ground pepper to 1 cup of water. Basically, because that is still a theory that an individual can only prove after testing it by him or herself. The batteries or mains-operated running costs will soon mount up, on top of the price of the device itself. Buy a mouse trap. Chipmunks will gather foods that don’t expire for the cold season so they have something to eat until spring. You can easily set up a trap and use any of these as a bait. They can also pose a fire hazard by leaving cracked and dirty peanut shells that just keep piling up. If you are close to the animal, you may hear it screaming for help as it slowly drowns. In fact, do not let it touch human hands. Wildlife tends to chomp on things with mild odors and avoids stuff with strong odors.Susan, Related: Don’t Get Caught Doing These Things In Your Yard. There are ‘homemade’ trap and kill approaches you can take, but we would recommend these approaches the least. This will also cut down on the population.Dawn. You don’t want them hurt but you want them gone. Please use caution as we caught a baby skunk in one of the traps. Very good simple information that Is practical. They dislike smells that are spicy or strong, which is why things like mothballs, peppermint oil, cayenne pepper, or other essential oils work so well against them. Since your garage is a contained area, the smell will eventually spread throughout the whole room. They are commercially available at pet and garden centers. Helpful. Groundhogs love gum but their insides cannot handle it and it will kill them. Do not chew the gum. They’re an opportunistic scavenger that eats both food and plant matter. Away From KeyboardBut there’, What is the best prayer for healing? Use repellents with a capsaisin or bitters base such as Scram, Ro-Pel and Get Away sprayed on inedible items chipmunks gnaw on. If there’s no food, then there’s no reason for them to be around your home. Some plants they eat are fungi, grass, plant shoots, and budding flowers. Just sprinkle it around where they are doing the most damage. barium carbonate is used as a rodent poison and harmful to humans. Do not keep food items outdoors, including pet foods and birdseed, unless it is placed in rodent-proof containers. The smell will collect rather than dissipate if it were outdoors. The average lifespan for a gopher is two to three years. This article may contain affiliate links. All of these annoy their nose and will help keep them away. This draws the rodent to the trap. Reapply daily to keep the scent going. There are a few reports online that Juicy Fruit gum works to kill chipmunks. It is dried blood, a by-product of meat production. The moles will be attracted to the gum’s scent and will devour it. DigitalBlue ( 7100 ) “Great Answer” ( 0 ) Flag as… ¶ @LuckyGuy my friend does the BB&W (bucket, birdseed and water) but I admit I am a wimp just like my cats. This is a mistake that will result in empty traps- lethal and non-lethal traps alike. Chipmunks are destructive species and will wreck and destroy many crops. How to tell the difference between a chipmunk and squirrel, How to get rid of chipmunks from your garage naturally, Secure your garage with a “pepper perimeter”. A sticky trap, or glue board, or mechanical trap available at your local lawn and garden store will work. These are, once again, similar to the electrocution traps that are designed to destroy rat and mouse infestations. The easiest way is to remove all sources of possible food, which are likely attracting the chipmunks. You and your family members have a risk of contracting the diseases through direct contact with rodents, indirect contact, such as … To use it, you’d just place a few pieces around their nest or where they’re hanging out. Most are safe to use around pets and on your lawn but, be safe, and read your product label to confirm. © Copyright 2003-2020 by AAAnimal Control. There are a few reports online that Juicy Fruit gum works to kill chipmunks. Mole Myth #2: Kill or scare moles away with Juicy Fruit Gum, essential oils, castor oil, glass shards, cigarettes, hot peppers, etc. Gophers can be active at all hours of the day and don’t hibernate during the winter, so they are active all year-round. Spray some around your garage perimeter and line the entire area with peppermint oil. Peanut butter works very effectively. A Checklist, When You're Really Late to the Retirement Planning Game. But if you must,just sit a bowl of instant mashed potatoes near the opening they are getting in and a small bowl of water beside it. ), but only if you plan to actually kill the chipmunk. How much does a full time hair stylist make? Reply. Juicy fruit gum is another mistakenly believed to be effective chipmunk removal product. Wear gloves so there is NO human scent, rip up a package and put it in each hole. Email us at info@aaanimalcontrol.com - Humane Wildlife Control Advice - Wild Animal Education, Other Wildlife Species Advice & Information, Click here to hire us in your town and check prices - updated for year 2020. It’s very easy to tell chipmunk problems from other pests because they’re extremely messy. Use a spray bottle to apply the oils outdoors in food or nesting areas. Getting rid of them can be difficult. Drop the gum directly into gopher holes outside. The ground pepper will act as a powerful deterrent for their poor noses. You will also need to take into consideration the fact that these traps might just trap and kill other small creatures too, many of which you would rather have left alone. Or if you found this guide helpful, let me know. Let us explain why … A dry atomizer works well for this or an empty can with lots of tiny holes poked in the bottom. What causes fishy smelling sperm? If you have a shed, watch out for tunnels that go below the outhouse. If the chipmunk climbs the blanket, gently roll it up and remove it to the outdoors. A fee of Euros 152 (inclusive, How much is MyLaps? Non-Toxic Ways to Control Ticks in Your Yard, Don’t Get Caught Doing These Things In Your Yard, How to Keep Dogs Out of Flower Beds (Cheap and Humane Solutions), 5 Simple Budget Cuts That Can Save $200 a Month, How to Read Your Grocery Ad Like an Insider, 32 Ways to Save Money on Your Utility Bills, The Rule of 72 (or How to Easily Double Your Debt), 5 Simple Habits That Make a Financial Difference, Staying Motivated to Continue Digging Yourself Out of Debt, 9 Things You Need to Do Before You Retire, You Didn’t Save Enough for Retirement and You’re 55+, Could Debt Derail Your Retirement? The good news is that you don’t need a permit to trap and kill chipmunks. If yes, there’s a good chance the chipmunk you come across will be females with babies in a nest. If you provide them with both, then they’ll gladly make a home out of your garage. Try Blood Meal. Get a pack of chewing gum. Our exterminator has told us that one way to get rid of them is to put Juicy Fruit gum pieces in their burrows. rid my yard of these cute little pests? Set up rough boards at a 45 degree angle up to the windows for the chipmunk to climb up. We service over 500 USA locations! Our exterminator has told us that one way to get rid of them is to put Juicy Fruit gum pieces in their burrows. If you have a dryer, furnace, water heater, or another source of warmth, they could be seeking out some warmer temperatures from these appliances.


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