One of our trips was to Palmyra Cove Nature Park, but the other days we explored 2 new places: Taylor Wildlife Preserve and Michael Huber Prairie Warbler Preserve. The Common Yellowthroat male has a distinctive black mask with a white border at the top and a bright yellow throat that extends into its breast. African Honeyguide chicks will stab their siblings to death with their sharp hooked bills. We ended up seeing some more Great Crested Flycatchers on this trip too. The last stop of the day was the Cove Trail. She starts by building a platform of leaves and grasses then weaves together the cup with sedge and grasses. Dave and I went to Strawbridge Lake and Boundary Creek, Dave and his dad went to Palmyra Cove, and I went with my mom and sister to Haddon Lake for Mother’s Day. There had to be at least 70 turtles or more of different sizes and species. There are actually 2 spungs at the preserve: one on the green trail and the other on the red trail. We took a quick walk on the beach and saw some Double-crested Cormorants. Every time we go there, we pass a place called Taylor Farm & Wildlife Preserve. Overall, we saw 31 species for our October Big Day (60 species for the May Big Day at Forsythe NWR. They were on every log and rock available. This recording prominently features the Baltimore Oriole, Canada Geese, Yellow Warbler, and Red-winged Blackbirds. There are 13 races of the Common yellowthroat. Common Yellowthroat is polygamous, but monogamous for one season. I would like to take this occasion to focus on a charming visitor to Bryant Park; at certain times of year this is the most abundant bird species in the park aside from the ubiquitous House Sparrows and Rock Pigeons. It was deep in the water though, and you couldn’t see it’s legs. The biggest surprise at the cove: Green-winged Teals! On Saturday night we wanted to go to Amico Island. Discover the world of birds at BirdNation! At the beaver pond platform we saw a first of season Common Yellowthroat. The Yellow Warbler was my dream bird for awhile. It was starting to get windy and rain was threatening so we headed back to the car. Summer (breeding): Canada and most of the United States, with the Southwest being less common. Even they will eventually be forced to retreat southward as temperatures consistently drop below freezing and the last invertebrates go underground or die off for the winter. We took advantage of our 3 day weekend by going on 3 birding adventures. We were lucky to get a bit of a break from the rain on Saturday, so Dave and I used that opportunity to go to Palmyra Cove Nature Park. There are about 100 species of birds that are considered brood parasites. Throughout our entire hike we could hear them singing from the trees. Males have olive upperparts and yellow throats/chests. Then it hit me: the Common Yellowthroat was feeding a Brown-headed Cowbird chick! Have you seen any warblers yet? It is as likely to be found in an extensive prairie wetland in Rock County in southwestern Minnesota as it is to be found in a tiny, low-lying, wet opening in the forested landscape of St. Louis County in northeastern Minnesota. We drove up closer to where it stepped on land and it popped it’s head out of the bushes to look at us before hiding! They also eat fine dirt, like many birds, in order to help them with digestion. Common Yellowthroat Food. Tonight we walked at Boundary Creek. They will also follow the female or flick their tails. WOW! It turned out this was the sound of the park’s namesake: the Prairie Warbler. Only Fairy Wrens are able to learn it, so if the chick is not including the “password” while calling for food, the host will know who the intruder is. He quickly hid once realizing we were stalking him but we were able to catch a glimpse of him a few more times. Many host birds are discovering these tricks and fighting back. While hopping about in leaf-litter and undergrowth, Yellowthroats search for insects and spiders to eat. Found Year-Round in the Southeastern United States to the Gulf Coast, and parts of California, Meixco, and Baja, California. Listen for the ‘wichety-wichety-wichety” song of the male Common Yellowthroat this spring and summer throughout your Metroparks and even your own backyard. It was a Great Crested Flycatcher! We arrived at the visitor center in the morning to a flurry of bird activity. Yellow Warblers and Warbling Vireos sang from high in the trees while we explored the winding trails. The female incubates the eggs for about 12 days while being fed by the male. Small warbler, olive above with intense yellow throat. The preserve is 1,227 acres of pitch pine/scrub oak woodlands. While searching for the singing Mockingbird, we discovered a male Orchard Oriole (first of season). Taylor’s Wildlife Preserve is right on the Delaware River and Dredge Harbor. There was also another bird with it. These flycatchers are agile fliers, and we watch it for a bit before it disappeared into the treetops. It turns out the Wright Cove in Taylor Preserve is exactly where we want to be to see these Osprey really well. There was a Purple Martin colony and the feeders were busy with House Finches, American Goldfinches, and sparrows. The drive begins at the Raymond Pool, which has a short Boardwalk Trail and an observation tower. We did see one at Forsythe recently (while looking for the American Golden-Plover), but it wasn’t in breeding plumage. It was packed with birders of all ages. They live in open areas with short but thick vegetation ranging from grasslands to pine forests. Brood parasites may  use different technique in order to invade a nest. Common Yellowthroat Food. On the way out we actually found a Bobwhite before it quickly ran back into the bushes. Often hides in … We weren’t able to get any good pictures because everything was far. I am still shocked that Dave managed to get a picture of one; Gnatcatcher are super fast.


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