(g) Back (h) Wood (i) Air. (a) Soil (b) Sea water What is saturated solution? (a) Growth of a plant (b) Rusting of iron Why do not the dispersed phase particles in a colloidal solution combine with one other? Answer: Question 4. Actually, copper is a crystalline solid in which the atoms are closely packed to form a crystal lattice. Answer: 1—(a). For example: The chemical formula of hydrochloric acid is HCl. What is chromatography? For example, brass is a mixture of copper and zinc. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science are given for the students so that they can get to know the in text question and chapter end question answers in case they are not able to find it.It is important for all the students who are in Class 9th currently. Question 9. What is unsaturated solution? Anil helped his sister and separated the water from olive oil using bottle as separating funnel. (iii) camphor from salt. Give four differences between bone and cartilage. Question 2. Arrange the apparatus as shown in the figure. Anil helped his sister and separated the water from olive oil using bottle as separating funnel. Suppose 50 gm of a solute is the maximum amount that can be dissolved in 100 gm water at 298 K. Then 150 gm of solution so obtained is the saturated solution at 298 K. एक या एक से अधिक शुद्ध तत्वों या यौगिकों से मिलकर बना मिश्रण, पदार्थ कहलाता है। वे पदार्थ जो एक ही प्रकार के अणुओं और परमाणुओं से मिलकर बने होते हैं तथा सभी कणों की रासायनिक प्रकृति समान होती है, शुद्ध पदार्थ कहलाते हैं।. (d) Hydrochloric acid (e) Calcium oxide (f) Mercury It gives a thorough understanding of the concepts. This solution contains questions, answers, images, explanations of the complete Chapter 2 titled The Fun They Had of Maths taught in class 9. If the liquid boils at 100°C at atmospheric pressure, then it is pure water. On heating this solution it will (c) 10 moles of sodium sulphite (Na2SO3)? Polyatomic ions are ions that contain more than one atom but they behave as a single unit. Naphthalene is a sublimate which on heating changes to gaseous state directly. Answer: The homogeneous mixture of two or more metals or a metal and non-metal is called an alloy. (e) Burning of a candle. NCERT Solutions 2020-21 of other subjects are also available free to download in PDF file format. 11.00g of carbon dioxide is formed when 3.00g carbon is burnt in 8.00g of oxygen. The electrons are present in these shells. Everything is presented in a way that students can easily understand. (a) Sodium chloride from its solution in water. To calculate percentage composition of the compound: Percentage of boron = mass of boron / mass of the compound x 100, Percentage of oxygen = 100 – percentage of boron. Some impurities may remain dissolved in the solution even after filtration which on evaporation contaminates the solid. What is distillation? Here you can get complete NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 2 Is Matter Around Us Pure in one place. 10. For a better understanding of this chapter, you should also see Chapter 2 Is Matter Around Us Pure Class 9 notes , Science. The number of atoms present are as follows: (i) H2S molecule has 2 atoms of hydrogen and 1 atom of sulphur hence 3 atoms in totality. Why? An atom comprises of a dense core called nucleus surrounded by a series of outer shells. Question 6. Preeti saw a labour entering into the sewage manhole immediately after removing the lid. (i) Wheat grains from husk. Homogeneous mixture – soda water, air, vinegar, filtered tea. State the properties of colloidal solution. Simple water cannot remove these oil drops from the clothes because water and oil as such do not form a stable emulsion. Question 1. Molecular mass of carbon atoms = 12g = an atom of carbon mass, Hence, mass of 1 carbon atom = 12 / 6.022 X 1023  = 1.99 X 10-23g. Answer: It is an apparatus used to convert gas into liquid by cooling it. The high boiling liquid by releasing energy condenses and falls back in the distillation flask. Question 6. How will you separate a mixture containing kerosene and petrol (difference in their boiling points is more than 25°C), which are miscible with each other? Calculate the percentage composition of the compound by weight. Add requisite sugar which dissolves and the tea is ready. Free PDF download of NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science (Chemistry) Chapter 2 - Is Matter Around Us Pure solved by Expert Teachers as per NCERT (CBSE) Book guidelines. Some of these atoms have been replaced or substituted by atoms of zinc. Class 9 Science Chapter 3 Exercise-3.1 Questions with Answer Exercise-3.1 Page: 32. It is because the solute particle has taken all the inter molecular space present in the solvent. (c) Preeti shows the value of moral responsible behaviour and aware citizen. Question 7. (a) Ice (b) Milk (c) Iron 2. Ammonia (gas) + Hydrogen chloride (gas) → Ammonium chloride (solid). Question 12. Colour of tea leaves goes into solution as filtrate. Thus, fractionating column helps in the separation of the components from a mixture. Answer: The properties of both naphthalene and common salt should be known, before we choose the separation technique. (b) Suggest two separation techniques used to separate liquid mixtures. “Atoms can neither be created nor destroyed”. Answer: Aqueous solutions have water as solvent and non-aqueous solutions do not haVe water as solvent. Advantages Of Referring To NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science If you are a student of class 9 who is using NCERT Textbook to study Science, then you must come across Chapter 2 Is Matter Around Us Pure. Show that these observations are in agreement with the law of conservation of mass. Answer: (a) When the solid or liquid is dispersed in a gas it is called aerosol e.g. Pour slowly hot solution of milk over tea leaves. Answer: The amount of the solute present in the saturated solution at the given temperature is called its solubility. E.g., milk, face cream. We know hydrogen and water mix in the ratio 1: 8. Unsaturated solution—It is a solution in which some more solute can dissolve in a solvent at a given temperature. Oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, iodine are diatomic molecules. Give the applications of centrifugation. The dirty clothes get washed by soap solution. Therefore, a knife made from a special type of diamond is used for cutting the glass. Give the difference between true solution, colloidal solution and suspension. Question 23. atomic mass is equal to 1/12th the mass of one carbon-12 atom. Which of the following is liquid-liquid solution? Sponge can be compressed, it is a The products were 2.2 g of carbon dioxide, 0.9 g water and 8.2 g of sodium acetate. Differentiate between homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures with examples. What are polyatomic ions? How can you separate two liquids that have less than 25 K difference of boiling points? What is “concentration of a solution”? 3. Answer: The functions of bone are: (i) It provides shape to the body. Pure Substance: A pure substance consists of a single of matter or particles and cannot be separated into other kind of matter by any physical process. Question 1.


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