OYo in the diagram shows this level, (b) the culturally defined subsistence level. Welcome to EconomicsDiscussion.net! Historically too this pattern of development is more correct. So there is a temptation to produce less by using less labour in production. It is rather in terms of the value of combination of agriculture output and the non-agricultural goods and services that are exchanged for agricultural goods at each level of labour use. Income level beyond OY is deemed to be a non-traditional agriculture. Privacy Policy3. If a farmer wants more of goods and services, he will have to have so less of leisure, i.e., put in so much more work that he gets the same amount of satisfaction. He expects much from the Government to push traditional agriculture into a non-traditional phase. Technological changes will follow only the institutional reforms. In India, an epidemic called Influenza appeared during 1917-19 and it wiped out about 1/6 of the total population of the country. Curves T to Z in diagram I show a part of the Iso-utility map. This will ensure optimum use of resources from the long term point of view. Mellor’s definition of traditional agriculture is much different from given by Schultz. Technologically Dynamic Agriculture-Low Capital Technology 3. Sometimes, the research findings prove ineffective because these are not based upon regional variations. This phase involves the use of new inputs with high marginal productivity. According to Mellor, farm organisations in traditional agriculture, though different in different countries because of difference in physical, economic and social factors, have some common features also. However, as the present situations when both machinery and fertilisers are available the world order, it is desirable that the traditional agriculture of a country enter the 2nd phase and third phases of development in the order. However, he point out that when agriculture gets going in the 2nd phase, it will provide funds for the non-farm sector to develop. Mellor feels that while on the small farms, under employment (or disguised unemployment) may exist due to the existence of zero value labour, on larger farms, underemployment exists due to another reason. What Schultz essentially argues in this book is that agriculture can be broken down into two distinct types. Mellor is of the view that the three phases should be followed in the sequence, he has given. However, he point out that when agriculture gets going in the 2nd phase, it will provide funds for the non-farm sector to develop. For him, traditional agriculture is a backward labour intensive agriculture which uses only crude form of capital. These inputs increase the productivity per acre. Content Guidelines 2. And it cannot move out of the traditional rut by itself. In 1919, according to Schultz agricultural production fell. This is negative income effect of rise in prices of agricultural products. Ultimately, the curve becomes parallel to X axis at a point, where the marginal productivity of labour becomes equal to zero. Infrastructure necessary for the development and production of these inputs is to be developed. This is because all efforts should be made by the farmers to get the maximum output from land. But the consumption pattern is rigid. According, to him resources are optimally allocated on these farms. According to Mellor, the pattern of consump­tion in a traditional agricultural is rather rigid of a rigid. This is mainly because of uneven distribution of land in the society with traditional agriculture. These features, result in low productivity and low income in these farms. (ii) Encouragement of research. From the above analysis. In that case of course we shall consider work put in and not the leisure as the other commodity on better say, the discommodity in the combination). TOS4. He further points out that all these steps have to be taken by the Government itself. Traditional Agriculture 2. According to Mellor, in a traditional agriculture. (iv) Setting up of institutions to services agricultural production. So far as resource allocation on these farms is concerned Mellor follows Schultz. According to Mellor, in a traditional agriculture, negative income effect is stronger then the positive substitution effect, so far as the labour use & therefore output is concerned. Only the United States entered the third phase first and the 2nd phase later. At O, all man-time has been used and there is no leisure left. This suggests redistribution of land and taxation on agricultural incomes as the methods to promote the use of more labour on the larger farms. The capital is in a very crude form. In the same Vein Mellor feels that whether zero value labour exists in traditional agriculture or not, withdraw of labour from the agricultural sector will result in the fall in agriculture output. The inputs suggested to be used are low capital intensive and are complementary to labour. The only difference will be that the production possibility curve will be higher for larger farm than for the smaller farms though it will start from the origin in each case. Mellor divides agriculture to fall in one of the three phases. Mellor further concludes that income in traditional agriculture can be increased if more labour is used on the farms. Phase # 3. However, if the 2nd phase of agricultural development is to be widespread, all those services are to be provided in a package. The supply therefore falls when prices of agriculture products increase. In other words, on such farms, there will be underemployment of labour even when the marginal productivity of labour is positive and is more than zero. Two important points may be noted in Mellor’s steps for pushing a traditional agriculture into the 2nd phase. This is one of the most important measures that Mellor suggests for pushing a traditional agriculture into the 2nd phase of development. There are many supporting services which have to be developed if the agricultural production proper is to increase. He does not define agriculture in the sense of equilibrium. However due to the application of law of diminishing returns to labour, per capita productivity and income falls as more and more labour is used to produce more output. The rigid consumption pattern of the farmers affects the shape of the iso-utility curve as drawn with O as the origin. The above diagram as given by Mellor, clearly shows that as the production possibility curve moves upwards its tangency point with an iso- utility curve move towards the rights at least up to the level of income defined as culturally determined subsistence level the income level relevant for traditional agriculture.


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