This is part 17 of my lets play on The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.We make our way to the Swindler's Den and fight off a lot of bandits and finally confront Kema. No Spoilers Please! You can find your enemy at the Swindler's Den, west of Whiterun and east of Rorikstead.Head inside and be ready to fight - the cave is swarming with Redguards who will attack you without any hesitation. During the quest, the Dragonborn can decide to either help him capture Saadia or help Saadia by killing the Alik'r warriors. You would think a ruthless band of Thalmor assassins wouldn't want any witnesses, right? GameBanshee If you side with Kematu, he claims he'll be taking Saadia to Hammerfell to stand . Saadia is a Redguard living and working in Whiterun's inn, The Bannered Mare. Kematu is the Redguard leader of the Alik'r band that is sent from Hammerfell to capture Saadia, a fugitive who is hiding in Whiterun.He can be found in Swindler's Den.During the quest In My Time Of Need you will be faced with an important choice: whether or not to believe Saadia or Kematu.. After Irileth informs the jarl about the dragon attacking the Western Watchtower during Dragon Rising . Where Is The Redguard Woman In Whiterun In Skyrim, In My ... She spends her days helping Hulda around the inn, sweeping the floors, cooking meals and serving food . :)(Part 2 of 2) During our mission to kill Kematu, tragedy strikes.The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is a property. Let's Play Skyrim HD - (Part 17 - Swindler's Den and Kematu) Kematut több bandita őrzi, akiket le kell győzni, függetlenül attól, hogy kinek az oldalát választják (Saadia vagy Kematu). Instead of attacking you on sight, you'll have a chance to side with Kematu and hear his version of events: that Saadia is a traitor to her people and caused the fall of the city Taneth to the Aldmeri . She will thank you for your help and reward you with 500 gold for your efforts. The stupid swindlers den glich. someone please help :: The ... Upon reaching Swindler's Den, you'll find it's full of bandits.Make your way through the network of tunnels, killing every bandit in your way, until you reach a passage with a waterfall. Just like most people in Skyrim, Ulfric absolutely despises the Thalmor. Ran into a bug with Swindler's den, which may be related to the clearing logic you mentioned in an earlier comment. Is Ulfric with the Thalmor? When close, Kematu will start a dialogue with you and explain that Saadia is a traitor and is wanted for betraying Hammerfell for . Are the Alik'r Warriors supposed to stay in Swindler's Den ... Swindler's Den: Race: Redguard: Gender: Level: PC×1.2 (range=5-50) Class: RefID: 00041856: BaseID: . If you finish the quest by siding with Kematu, his men remain in Swindler's Den, non-hostile, asking "Yes?" and "Need something?" like any other non-hostile NPC. Let's Play Skyrim (Blind), Part 40: Swindler's Den - To ... Go to Swindler's Den in the west, where you can kill Kematu. You get clear credit for Swindler's Den if you choose to kill Kematu and all of his guards during "In My Time of Need". Skyrim Realistic Conquering - Swindler's Den at Skyrim ... The second one's a bounty quest for the Jarl of Whiterun actually. The quest then ends at this point. Other than this, Swindler's Den has little in the way of valuable treasures, other than some Ingots and gold pieces scattered throughout. You'll get 500 Septims for this. If you start "In My Time of Need" without doing those radiant quests . RELATED: Skyrim: Two-Handed Build Guide One such quest can be discovered early on in the game in Whiterun, the first large city players often encounter while following the main storyline. I'm up to the point where I've located him, but he's given me the option of helping him capture Saadia instead (she's a supposed traitor). I killed people at Riverwood they give bad quests and most of everyone trusts you there. Far from being a "hired gun," this warrior was a man of honor and loyalty, which seriously undermined the validity of Saadia's claims. If you leave him alive or do this quest any other way, killing just the bandits doesn't seem to be enough in my experience. Saadia claims that she's innocent, that Kematu and his men are mercenaries hired by the Dominion to kill her. The second one's a bounty quest for the Jarl of Whiterun actually. While I completely misunderstood Kematu's dialogue, and probably should have asked questions before trying a sneak attack, I had come to expect a vicious attack around every corner of Swindler's Den -- a situation Kematu had set up himself. Go to Swindler's Den in the west, where you can kill Kematu. Fight your way through them or avoid by sneaking and enter the room with a waterfall (look out for the snares! Upon reaching Swindler's Den, you'll find it's full of bandits.Make your way through the network of tunnels, killing every bandit in your way, until you reach a passage with a waterfall. Swindler "s Den . Swindler's Den. JClarke1953 Well-Known Member. He has something to say, and you can side with him or Saadia. Kematu searches for Saadia, hoping to bring her back to Hammerfell where she will stand trial for treason. New main objective (Saadia): Return to Saadia After dealing with the Redguards at the Swindler's Den, you can return to Whiterun and tell Saadia that she doesn't have to worry about the mercenaries chasing her anymore. Siding with Kematu sees Saadia captured. The Alik'r will tell the player that Kematu resides at Swindler's Den. If you leave him alive or do this quest any other way, killing just the bandits doesn't seem to be enough in my experience. Tie up loose ends, and all that. As posted above, I've done the quest and sided with Kematu. This is a blind Let's Play. Early on in the Companions quest, you MAY get sent to Swindler's Den, to clear out some bandits. Other than this, Swindler's Den has little in the way of valuable treasures, other than some Ingots and gold pieces scattered throughout. Kill Kematu. This step is optional; you can also just head to Swindler's Den. That's why started making my way over to Rorikstead, I got tired of clearing that area twice in a row. Inside Swindler's Den, you'll first encounter bandits, but then eventually you'll run into Kematu and his warriors near a waterfall (#3). Comedy Drama Fantasy Romance Shoujo Slice of Life. Swindler's Den. Of course, youmight be sent to several other bandit dens, at the same point. That's why started making my way over to Rorikstead, I got tired of clearing that area twice in a row. Inside the cave, in the large central chamber, there is a cooking pot and in the passage leading out from the chamber with the small waterfall there is an Iron Ore Vein. Saadia the redguard woman in Whiterun asked me to track down Kematu and kill him. The warriors can be attacked and killed. Kematu can be found in Swindler's Den with a few other Alik'r warriors. Swindler"s Den Whiteruntól nyugatra, a síkság közepén, egy sziklás hegy lábánál található. I was the red daughter of the great countess, and lived an admirable life as the most beautiful woman in the empire. Swindler's Den is guarded by bandits, find your way through to an underground tunnel system and eventually a waterfall, behind the waterfall is Kematu's headquarters protected by several Alik'r Warriors. Inside Swindler's Den, you'll first encounter bandits, but then eventually you'll run into Kematu and his warriors near a waterfall (#3). Kematu's Offer Instead of attacking you on sight, you'll have a chance to side with Kematu and hear his version of events: that Saadia is a traitor to her people and caused the fall of the city Taneth . This step is optional; you can also just head to Swindler's Den. Even when you reach Kematu, you are offered one more chance to turn your back on Saadia (see below) or stain your hands with Kematu's . Of course, youmight be sent to several other bandit dens, at the same point. The captured Alik'r paints a portrait of Kematu and his men as a gang of assassins, which confirms Saadia's assessment. In My Time Of Need is a quest involving a Redguard woman wanted by Alik'r Warriors that can be found at the gates of Whiterun or along the roads of Skyrim. The woman will give you a reward of 500 gold and the plot will end. After dealing with the Redguards at the Swindler's Den, you can return to Whiterun and tell Saadia that she doesn't have to worry about the mercenaries chasing her anymore. That Kematu had used bandits as cover neither surprised nor offended Katnys. Put him down, enter and try to sneak attack the two bandits in the initial grotto. Beside this is a flat-topped rock with a crate, a food sack, and three loose potatoes. New main objective (Saadia): Return to Saadia After dealing with the Redguards at the Swindler's Den, you can return to Whiterun and tell Saadia that she doesn't have to worry about the mercenaries chasing her anymore. Even when you reach Kematu, you are offered one more chance to turn your back on Saadia (see below) or stain your hands with Kematu's . Other than this, Swindler's Den has little in the way of valuable treasures, other than some Ingots and gold pieces scattered throughout. He dual-wields scimitars . Note that this step can be skipped entirely if players have already cleared out Swindler's Den before starting this quest. The woman will give you a reward of 500 gold and the plot will end. We made our way back to the Bannered Mare and I found Saadia. The woman will give you a reward of 500 gold and the plot will end. You must speak to the prisoner in Dragonsreach Dungeon first to get the location. As soon as you walk through the wall of water, Kematu, the Alik'r leader, should initiate a conversation.He claims that Saadia is wanted for treason, for selling Hammerfell out to the Aldmeri Dominion. vicious attack around every corner of Swindler's Den -- a situation Kematu had created for himself. Even when you reach Kematu, you are offered one more chance to turn your back on Saadia (see below) or stain your hands with Kematu's . New main objective (Saadia): Kill Kematu. During a regular playthrough, you can be handed a number of radiant quests that direct you to kill the bandit leader at Swindler Den. 06 January 2021, 2:30AM. Go to Swindler's Den in the west, where you can kill Kematu. Where did Saadia go Skyrim? Give the 100 in gold to the guard and then speak to the prisoner who reveals that Kematu and his crew are at Swindler's Den, which is west of Whiterun, west of the Western Watchtower. Show activity on this post. Raid the chest in the rear . There is a table with an iron dagger, two bottles of Nord mead, and a loaf of bread on top. Instead of attacking you on sight, you'll have a chance to side with Kematu and hear his version of events: that Saadia is a traitor to her people and caused the fall of the city Taneth to the Aldmeri . He won't attack on sight. You must speak to the prisoner in Dragonsreach Dungeon first to get the location. 6 Chapters Every 22.2 Day(s) 286 Readers 1 Reviews 08-08-2021. Kematu claims Saadia is the Dominion agent. You get clear credit for Swindler's Den if you choose to kill Kematu and all of his guards during "In My Time of Need". If nothing else, the journey to Swindler's Den and back had been worth it now, if just for that! If you did the "In My Time of Need" quest, but didn't kill Kematu at the end, go back to Swindler's Den and kill Kematu and his Alik'r warriors in the room with the waterfall with the Ebony Blade. After the quest was completed, I went back to Swindler's Den and noticed that the Alik'r Warriors are in the exact same place and seem to be perpetually standing there. 360 If the cave is reentered after finishing the quest "In My Time of Need" and choosing the ending by helping Kematu, the Alik'r Warriors and Kematu are still in Swindler's Den, without Saadia. ). Other than this, Swindler's Den has little in the way of valuable treasures, other than some Ingots and gold pieces scattered throughout. I'm currently on the In My Time of Need quest. Upon entering there is a narrow passage descending into a large chamber where two bandits are discussing current events. Swindler's Den is a small cave located due east of the Whiterun Imperial Camp and west-north-west of Fort Greymoor.It is the hideout of Kematu and his band of Alik'r warriors.. Kematu's Offer Instead of attacking you on sight, you'll have a chance to side with Kematu and hear his version of events: that Saadia is a traitor to her people and caused the fall of the city Taneth . Early on in the Companions quest, you MAY get sent to Swindler's Den, to clear out some bandits. The hideout's entrance is guarded by a lone bandit. Now you need to go to Swindler's Den and fight through it to Kematu. The fall of Taneth to the Aldmeri Dominion for which Kematu accuses Saadia of colluding with the Thalmor occured around 25 years ago. Or, maybe, leave? After doing this, when you talk to the prisoner again, he'll reveal that Kematu is staying at Swindler's Den, located to the west of Whiterun. (but that's another issue altogether ;D ) The two original Alik'r who started the mission are still hanging at the front gate of Whiterun. After doing this, when you talk to the prisoner again, he'll reveal that Kematu is staying at Swindler's Den, located to the west of Whiterun. As soon as you walk through the wall of water, Kematu, the Alik'r leader, should initiate a conversation.He claims that Saadia is wanted for treason, for selling Hammerfell out to the Aldmeri Dominion. If players choose to side with Saadia, all they have to do is kill Kematu and return to her at the Bannered Mare tavern in Whiterun. Katnys and Jenassa set out for Swindler's Den. 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